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Why and how to solve the noise of the miniature cooling fan? 時(shí)間:【2018-08-07】 共閱【6041】次 【打印】【返回

What are the main factors causing the noise of the miniature fan? How should we reduce the noise of micro fans? Here is the professional technical personnel of Shenzhen Ying Tian mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. to answer for you:


    1. What are the main factors associated with the noise production?  The noise of micro fans is related to friction and air flow. The higher the rotational speed and the greater the air volume, the greater the noise will be. In addition, the vibration of the micro fan itself can not be ignored. Of course, the self vibration of high quality micro fans is very small, but the first two are hard to overcome.

    2. How to measure the noise of the miniature cooling fan? Noise is the size of noise generated by a micro fan when it is working, and is affected by many factors. The unit is decibel (dB). When measuring the noise of a micro fan, it needs to be carried out in a silencer with a noise less than 17dB, one meter distance from the fan, and the air inlet of the fan along the direction of the micro fan axis, and the measurement is carried out by the A weighting method. The frequency spectrum characteristics of the micro fan noise are also very important, so it is necessary to record the frequency distribution of the noise of the micro fan by the spectrum analyzer, which generally requires that the noise of the micro fan should be as small as possible, and the noise can not exist.

    3, how do we reduce the noise of micro fans?  To solve this problem, we can try to use a larger fan. In the case of the same air volume, the working noise of the large fan at lower rotational speed should be less than that of the small fan at higher rotational speed. Another factor that we easily overlook is the bearings of the micro fans. Because of the friction and collision between the rotor shaft and the bearing when the micro fan rotates at high speed, it is also a main source of noise of the micro fan.

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